Farm Transport Cleaning and Disinfection

Disease prevention is important for farm animals, but what about farm traffic?

Cleaning and disinfecting vehicles used in pig and poultry production is a critical component of an overall farm hygiene program.

Ecolab has high-quality, science-based chemistry and protocols that are designed for livestock transportation biosecurity and can help improve the health of your animals and your business.

Close up of unsanitary truck tire.

Disinfection for People and Vehicles Entering a Farm

As people and vehicles travel to different locations, they can bring all kinds of pathogens into a farm. And as sea, air and land transportation networks expand in reach, there are increased concerns for pig and poultry farmers. Pathogens can now move farther, faster and in greater numbers, and the consequence of this global transport network expansion means greater risk for outbreaks of harmful diseases including African Swine Fever and Avian Influenza. 

In order to break the cycle of disease transmission, farms need high-quality chemistry for traffic control cleaning and disinfection. Proven cleaning protocols must also be used for employees, visitors and pig and poultry production vehicles. 

Programas, productos, equipos y servicios

Explore Our Farm Transport Offerings

Commercial Farm

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