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Complementos de procesamiento de minerales

Optimizing Your Mineral Processing Operation

Nalco Water es un líder mundial en reactivos y soluciones para el procesamiento de minerales. We have decades of experience across a variety of markets and more than 1,600 global research, development and engineering associates. Our global reach and expertise helps us deliver technical, economic and environmentally sustainable mineral processing solutions from mine to mill.

Our diverse portfolio of mineral processing aids spans a variety of applications and includes rheology modifiers, filter aids, crystal growth modifiers, liquor stabilizers, oxalate stabilizers and reagents for humate removal. By solving for mining process optimization, Nalco Water can help you maximize productivity, improve throughput and positively impact your bottom line.


In the Spotlight: Crystal Growth Modifiers

En el entorno competitivo del refinamiento de la alúmina, las plantas de procesamiento enfrentan el desafío continuo de aumentar el rendimiento y al mismo tiempo mantener el tamaño y la calidad del cristal de hidrato. Nalco Water ofrece programas de modificadores de crecimiento de cristales especialmente diseñados para usar dentro de los circuitos de precipitación del proceso Bayer. The programs provide additional control of agglomeration and nucleation mechanisms, which can positively impact final product size control, liquor yield, hydrate classification and oxalate interference control.

CGMs are just one of Nalco Water's comprehensive portfolio of mineral processing aids. Contáctenos para hablar sobre sus necesidades operativas específicas y obtenga más información sobre nuestras soluciones de procesamiento de materiales.


Flotation 360™

Mineral processing optimization can feel like a moving target. Changing ore, an incorrect formulation or failing to balance recovery and grade can impact your bottom line. But Nalco Water has your solution: Flotation 360. This digital technology helps you maximize productivity and optimize your flotation circuit performance.

Optimice su circuito con las capacidades predictivas de Flotation 360

  • Improve performance to increase recovery and profitability
  • Mejore la visibilidad de los impactos potenciales de futuros cambios en el mineral, lo que permite mitigar cualquier desafío por adelantado
  • Optimice la dosificación de reactivos y el consumo de productos químicos, mejorando el coste total de las operaciones
  • Reduzca los desafíos de mantenimiento, como fallas en la válvula de la celda de flotación, y dedique menos tiempo a la resolución manual de problemas

Historias de éxito sobre complementos de procesamiento de minerales


Crystal Growth Modifiers Program Drives Improvements in Efficiency, Sustainability, Performance and Cost at Alumina Plant

En una planta de alúmina en el Mediterráneo, la responsabilidad social corporativa tuvo un papel fundamental en sus operaciones diarias. With a focus on safety, optimal resource use and minimized costs, the plant sought new and effective methods to improve overall process efficiency. En asociación con la planta, Nalco Water determinó que la aplicación de un modificador de crecimiento de cristales podría ayudar a conseguir los resultados que la planta necesitaba. 

Download the case study to learn how Nalco Water's crystal growth modifier program helped to generate a value of more than €743,000 per year in increased profitability and savings.

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Driving Innovation in Global Mineral Processing

Nalco Water places great emphasis on research, development and innovation. In our commitment to addressing mineral processing challenges, we have assembled dedicated teams of chemists and engineers to drive our customer-focused technical research centers around the globe. From the United States to western Australia, the Netherlands to western India and everywhere in between, Nalco Water offers a globally connected team of experts that are local to your plant and keenly aware of the regionalized challenges that can impact your operations.

Nalco Water Mineral Processing Aids

This dispersant is an aqueous formulation of low molecular weight specially designed to be an effective dispersant and antiscalant in mineral processing applications where high lime circuits are operated. The dispersant functions by lowering the viscosity of mineral slurries. It can also modify crystal formation and thereby alter the nature and rate of scale deposition.

  • Improves slurry rheology.
  • Cleans minerals surfaces leading to improved recovery of valuable minerals.
  • Reduces the rate of scale deposition where scaling problems are prevalent.
  • Prevents slime coating on valuable minerals.
  • Non-foaming properties.
  • Stable at high temperatures.
NALFLOTE™ 600-05

The Filtermax dewatering aids are principally used to aid in the filtration of mineral concentrates in order to reduce filter cake moisture and improve filter cake handling characteristics. They function by lowering the surface tension of water and more importantly, by making the mineral particle surfaces more hydrophobic (water repellent), thus allowing for higher levels of moisture reduction.

  • Lower cake moisture that reduces drying and freight costs.
  • Faster filtration rates thus lowering capital investment in filters.
  • Better cake release increasing the efficiency of the filters.
  • Reduces filter cloth blinding improving the life of the cloth.

Programas, productos, equipos y servicios

Explore our Mineral Processing Aid Offerings

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