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Central Plant
Boiling Water
Central Sterile
Unidad de manejo de aire
Water Feature
Nursing Station
Habitación para pacientes
Critical Care
O/R Prep

Tratamiento de agua de enfriamiento

3D TRASARTM Cooling Water Technology delivers significant water and energy savings and operational efficiencies by detecting system stress, determining proper response, and delivering powerful results.

Al combinar tecnología de química sólida, el Programa de sólidos para agua de enfriamiento 3D TRASAR ofrece una solución segura, simple y sustentable.

  • Solid chemistry, packaged as dry bricks and canisters, is a smaller storage footprint and easy to manage. You will need only 1/3 the inventory space compared with liquid chemical
  • La química sólida aumenta la seguridad de los empleados. No hauling pails and drums or carrying buckets through your facility

Los Programas de sólidos para agua de enfriamiento y de agua de enfriamiento 3D TRASAR producen tranquilidad.

  • Biocide feeding is no-touch and easy with the Lock & Drop system
  • Real time view of systems is available via performance dashboards
  • 3D TRASAR automation monitors your system and sends alarms as needed
  • Our System Assurance Team watches your system 24/7/365
  • Our Water Safety Protocol for cooling towers reduces patient risk from Legionella

Tratamiento de agua de calderas

With 3D TRASARTM Boiler Technology, steam quality and reliability are improved.

Más razones para trabajar con Nalco Water:

  • Increased equipment life
  • Fuel use reduction of 4-8% on average with improved heat transfer and reduced blowdown
  • Full complement of pretreatment options including softeners and reverse osmosis

Central Sterile

With Wash Water pretreatment, instrument staining is reduced.

Más razones para trabajar con Nalco Water:

  • DI bottle exchange where available, softener
  • Opti-Pro – (Ecolab solids program for instrument processing)
  • Special mechanical, operational, and chemical consideration is given when boiler steam is used for sterilization

HVAC Performance Solutions

HVAC Performance Solutions reduce energy consumption and improve patient comfort by cleaning dirty coils and inefficient filters for controlled air quality.

Más razones para trabajar con Nalco Water:

  • AHU coil cleaning reduces electrical costs = $0.10 per sq ft. per year
  • Improved air flow and air quality
  • Eliminates odors from AHU coils

Seguridad e higiene de agua

Our Water Safety Program reduces risk of Legionella in water features.

Más razones para trabajar con Nalco Water:

  • Emergency remediation services
  • Compliance with the CMS Requirement to Reduce Legionella Risk in Healthcare Facility Water Systems and with the Joint Commission accreditation audits
  • Secondary disinfection of domestic water options
  • Documentation of control methods

Seguridad e higiene de agua

Our Water Safety program reduces patient risk (HAIs) from waterborne pathogens.

Más razones para trabajar con Nalco Water:

  • Emergency remediation services
  • Compliance with the CMS Requirement to Reduce Legionella Risk in Healthcare Facility Water Systems and with the Joint Commission accreditation audits
  • Secondary disinfection of domestic water options
  • Documentation of control methods

Seguridad e higiene de agua

Our Water Safety program reduces patient risk (HAIs) from waterborne pathogens.

Más razones para trabajar con Nalco Water:

  • Emergency remediation services
  • Compliance with the CMS Requirement to Reduce Legionella Risk in Healthcare Facility Water Systems and with the Joint Commission accreditation audits
  • Secondary disinfection of domestic water options
  • Documentation of control methods

Seguridad e higiene de agua

Our Water Safety program reduces patient risk (HAIs) from waterborne pathogens.

Más razones para trabajar con Nalco Water:

  • Emergency remediation services
  • Compliance with the CMS Requirement to Reduce Legionella Risk in Healthcare Facility Water Systems and with the Joint Commission accreditation audits
  • Secondary disinfection of domestic water options
  • Documentation of control methods